new mom


7 Self-Care Tips for New Mamas

by Brenna Lewis | May 3, 2016
As a new mama, you may feel the need to become a martyr to the cause of Motherhood– running ragged from no sleep, skipping showers for days on end, and jumping to attention at every baby sigh and cry. Yes, your baby needs constant care and attention, but so do you! Your physical and emotional health matter, and if you start
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The Doctor Will Web Chat With You Now: How Technology Helps Breastfeeding Moms

by Kristan Hawkins | April 7, 2014
You’re on vacation away from the comforts of home and your 6-month-old is clearly sick, crying and can’t be consoled. Should you race to the local urgent care with an irritable baby only to sit and wait? Is there a better alternative? New communication innovations that bring medical advice to you at a moment’s notice help when you need it
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