Stay Involved! Simple Suggestions for Summer Outreach

by Kristan Hawkins | June 12, 2013

Change the worldSummer is here!  Now that you have overcome the ever dreaded burden of finals, you are probably enjoying a much needed break from academic stress. Maybe you are working on your tan, or maybe you are just plain working. Certainly, take some time to relax, and enjoy the summer days. However, this is not a vacation from your outreach!

While you are breaking from school, use your extra free time to continue to educate your peers and to reach out to the mothers in your community. Throughout the summer, find simple ways to spread the pro-life message wherever you are. Whether you are organizing events in your community or training to volunteer at your local pregnancy resource center, commit yourself to accomplishing a few small and great goals to support local moms, families, and children.

Looking for ways to stay involved? Here are a few ideas…


Use Social Media and the Internet

Keep it simple! Use social media to share articles, photos, quotes, and statistics. Regular posting will make difference in educating your peers, and it will be a constant reminder that pregnant and parenting support are important issues to be aware of. (Check out some of SFLA’s graphics here and here and here!)

If you want to utilize your internet skills and provide tangible support, set up an online donation page to raise money for a local PRC or a family in need. Share your efforts through social media, and encourage friends and family to support your cause. Set a goal for how much you wish to collect, and advertise how these funds will be used. Be sure to thank all those who have supported your efforts, and update them on how the donations helped that PRC or family.

Volunteer with Local Organizations

Are there pro-life organizations in your hometown or community? Contact local pro-life leaders, and ask how you can become involved this summer. Whether you are helping update their websites or participating in sidewalk counseling efforts, take some time to make a difference.

If you know of a PRC near your home, find out what volunteer opportunities are available. You may even seek training in order to better assist women who need support and counsel throughout their pregnancies.

 Engage Your Community

Team up with your hometown friends, youth group, community service programs, and/or church community! Organize a community baby shower outside of a grocery store or your church. Recommend that your youth group director shows a pro-life movie (such as Bella or October Baby) and hold a discussion to challenge your peer’s on life issues. Ask your pastor to preach about abortion, or write an op-ed for your local newspaper.

 Research Resources for Pregnant and Parenting Students

Put your researching skills to good use! Take a couple hours out of each week to research pregnant and parenting resources available at your school. Compile these resources into a convenient and helpful Resource Guide that can be distributed to counselors and health professionals at your school in the Fall. When Fall comes around, you will be prepared to effectively advise and guide your peers with accurate information on available resources.

Help a Local Family

Do you know a young mom or a family who needs help this summer? Offer to babysit, or make meals throughout the summer to help support this family. Volunteer to help with housework or even to drive the kids to activities. Your efforts will certainly be appreciated, and you will give the mom a much needed break!


There are so many ways for you to reach out to pregnant and parenting friends and family this summer. Decide on a some goals for this summer, and go for it! Try some of these ideas—or come up with a new, creative way to share your time and compassion. Good luck!


If you would like to become more involved with the Pregnant on Campus Initiative, please email our Pregnant on Campus Coordinator, Beth Rahal, at [email protected]